About The Blog

What can I say?

This is my first adventure as a teacher in a foreign country and as such I've been doing what I think most people do ... Googling the hell out of everything.

The thing is, although there are a lot of people who teach away from their home country, there didn't seem to be that many who actually publicly share their full experience with others. That leads me nicely onto why I'm doing this. I wan't, or hope, this will become a diary-come-resource for others who choose to follow a similar path. It may just become some sort of area for me to just spout rubbish on, but that's fine too.

As of summer 2017, my wonderful wife has also decided that she would like to contribute to the blog. Her angle? Stuff to do with the kids in Kuala Lumpur. We have found that a lot of information about the activities in Malaysia as a whole have very little information online about them, and even less regarding how well suited they are for children. Enter Marie and her in-depth knowledge! Look out for her posts in the near future.


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